Ch Windows Demos.
Most programs described in the classic
Programming Windows textbook
have been
tested to run successfully in Ch Windows toolkit.
Some programs that use multithread and resource files
in Visual C++ need
to be modified to run in Ch.
Below is the screenshot for a sample Windows program.
The source code and screenshots for additional examples
can be found at
Windows demo code (click here)
These sample programs
plus other demo programs
are included in the distribution of
Ch Windows and are located in C:/Ch/toolkit/demos/Windows directory by
They are readily to run in Ch without compilation.
To run the sample programs in Windows, you can simply type
the file name in the Ch shell, or click the
file through Windows explorer if the file name has the extension .ch.
All C source code
presented in
Programming Windows (fifth edition) by
Charles Petzold
are readily to run in Ch interpretively without compilation.
Winplot is an example of how interactive plotting
can be accomplished in Ch with
mathematical expressions entered by the user
through a graphical user
interface in Windows.
K8055_Demo.cpp is an example of how interactive plotting
shows how to create use
a graphical user interface to Velleman USB experiment interface board K8055.
Below are screenshots for sample Windows programs with source code