charpolycoef() | Characteristic polynomial of a matrix |
choldecomp() | Cholesky Decomposition |
combination() | Combination |
xcompanionmatrix(), companionmatrix() | Companion matrix |
condnum() | Condition number of a matrix |
conv() | Convolution |
conv2() | Two-dimensional convolution |
complexsolve() | Solve a complex equation |
corrcoef() | Correlation coefficient |
correlation2() | Two-dimensional Correlation |
covariance() | Covariance |
cross() | Cross product |
cumprod() | Cumulative product calculation |
cumsum() | Cumulative sum calculation |
curvefit() | Fit a set of data points to a combination of specified functions |
deconv() | Deconvolution |
derivative(), derivatives() | Derivation |
cdeterminant(), determinant() | Determinant of a matrix |
cdiagonal(), diagonal() | Get a vector with diagonals of a matrix |
cdiagonalmatrix(),diagonalmatrix() | Create a diagonal matrix |
difference() | Differences of adjacent elements of vector |
dot() | Dot product |
eigensystem() | Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors |
expm() | Matrix exponential |
factorial() | Factorial |
fevalarray(), cfevalarray() | Function evaluation |
fft() | Fast Fourier Transform |
filter() | Filter |
filter2() | Two-dimensional Filter |
fminimum(), fminimums() | Find the minimum value of a function |
fliplr() | Flip matrix in left/right direction |
flipud() | Flip matrix in up/down direction |
fsolve() | Find zeros of a nonlinear system of equations |
cfunm(), funm() | Matrix function evaluation |
fzero() | Find a zero position of a nonlinear function |
gcd() | Greatest common divisor |
hessdecomp() | Hessenberg Decomposition |
identitymatrix() | Identity matrix |
ifft() | Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
integral1() | Integration |
integral2() | 2D Integration |
integration2() | 2D Integration |
integral3() | 3D Integration |
integration3() | 3D Integration |
interp1() | One-dimensional interpolation |
interp2() | Two-dimensional interpolation |
inverse(), cinverse() | Inverse of a square matrix |
lcm() | Least common multiple |
linsolve() | Solve the linear equations by LU factorization |
llsqcovsolve() | Solve the linear equations by linear squares with known covariance |
llsqnonnegsolve() | Solve the linear equations with non-negative values by linear squares method |
llsqsolve() | Linear Least square solution for linear equations |
logm() | Matrix natural logarithm |
ludecomp() | LU factorization |
mean(), cmean() | Mean value calculation |
median() | Median value calculation |
norm() | Norm of a vector or matrix |
nullspace() | Nullspace of a matrix |
odesolve() | Ordinary Differential Equations, |
orthonormalbase() | Orthonormal bases of a matrix |
pinverse() | Pseudoinverse a matrix |
polycoef() | Polynomial coefficients |
polyder(), polyder2() | Polynomial derivative or derivative of product or quotient of two polynomials |
polyeval(), cpolyeval(), polyevalarray() | Polynomial and its Derivative Evaluation |
polyevalm() | Matrix polynomial function evaluation |
polyfit() | Fit a set of data points to a polynomial function |
product(), cproduct() | Product of all elements |
qrdecomp() | Orthogonal-triangular QR Decomposition |
rank() | Rank of a matrix |
residue() | Residue |
rcondnum() | Reciprocal condition number of a matrix |
roots() | Roots of a polynomial |
rot90() | Rotate matrix 90 degrees |
specialmatrix() | Special matrix |
schurdecomp() | Schur decomposition |
sort() | Sorting elements |
sqrtm() | Matrix square root |
std() | Standard deviation |
sum(), csum() | Sum of all elements |
svd() | Singular value decomposition |
trace(), ctrace() | Sum of diagonal elements of a matrix |
triangularmatrix(), ctriangularmatrix() | Triangular matrix |
xcorr() | Cross correlation |